Saturday, January 3, 2009

What an incredible Christmas!
I felt so privileged to spend time with our son, daughter-in -law and granddaughter the week before Christmas. Then to come home to NC and have my mother and sister come down for a week. I laughed, ate, ate, went to movies had parties and ate. We had 20 over to eat on Christmas eve after speaking at Hope church at the first Christmas eve service. What a great day.

This season has also been a time I have been privileged to speak each week at Morganton NC First Church. It has been a joy to be home and feel the joy of sharing the message of Christmas in a congregation throughout the season. New Years eve Vicki and I shared the message of the Passover. Passover marks the New Year on the Jewish calender. What a great night we had as people took bitter herbs, a part of the Passover meal put it on bread and then dipped it in the juice of the cup symbolizing the the shed blood of Christ covering the suffering of our sin, past bondage's, tears of the past year. Many left suffering from 08 at the altar. I then shared from Acts 12 the story of another Passover experience, the jailing of Peter and his miraculous deliverance. The expectation of the church as they prayed for his freedom was heard by God as an angel came to the prison. Those in attendance wrote out their expectations for 09 and then Vicki and I prayed over ever person.

Tomorrow I will talk about faith that God responds to. It is not the size of the faith but the believing (pisteuo) that ignites the possible (dunata). Believing the spark that ignites the impossible and causes it to become possible. Believing activates supernatural power that enables what normally would never be possible. Don't worry about the size of your faith. If your believing, then faith the size of a mustard seed, will ignite supernatural power.

1 comment:

The Frog said...

Sam and Vickey:
What a blessing you both have been to our family. We love you both and miss seeing you. May God bless you both this coming year and my many souls be won to Christ through your ministry.