Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fearless with Money

Don’t store up treasures here on earth where they can erode away or may be stolen. Store them in heaven where they will never lose their value. - Matthew 6:19-20 TLB

A film editor once said, “ I had this date the other night with woman who wanted to walk along the beach. I’m wearing a twelve-hundred-dollar suit, a seventy-dollar tie, a hundred-and-fifty-dollar shirt, and a pair of two-hundred-dollar shoes. It costs me fifteen dollars to clean my suit and six dollars to have my shirt hand-washed.

“I don’t even want to think about what it would cost if I would get a drop of spaghetti sauce on my tie. And this woman wants me to roll up my pants and walk along the beach! All I can think about is how much it’s going to cost me if she wants to sit down on the sand. Here’s the bottom line that I have to ask myself: Can I afford to wear my own clothes?”

Another man, a lawyer, once said, “I don’t think I’m trapped on this treadmill forever, but I’m certainly involved with it right now....It’s the old merry-go-round of how much money is enough money? And it’s never enough.”

From Steven Carter and Julia Sokol's
Lives Without Balance (New York, NY: Villard Books, Random House Inc. 1991), 125, 194.

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