These days news about the economy is everywhere. Amidst all the talk, the kingdom of God is advancing! Jesus said, “When we find ourselves witnessing this kind of turmoil, there is only one priority—the proclamation of the glorious gospel.” As we watch all the upheaval and uncertainty in our world today, I believe the stage is gradually being set for the return of the King!
Could the current economic crisis, so inter-connected around the world, be moving us toward the end? What I know is that this past year I traveled more miles proclaiming salvation through Jesus Christ because it is our most urgent task. Your support touched 5 countries last year, including Malawi, China, Philippines, Canada and the United States, as we reached more people with the Gospel of Christ.
In Malawi we had the opportunity to team with 200 young people from Canada in partnership with Extreme Dream, who blanketed the area around the capital Lilongwe. Over 5,000 decisions for Christ were followed up by local churches in the area. The final weekend was held in the large soccer stadium. Thousand gathered for Friday night and multiple events on Saturday, and more than 15,000 people filled the grounds for Sunday’s day long outreach. Each and every time I gave the invitation to become followers of Christ, throughout the weekend people walked forward and hundreds of counselors prayed with each person individually.
Twice this year you made outreaches to Asia possible. In June I spent four days in the Philippines using God’s Word to challenge leaders from 15 Asian countries. Approximately 61% of the world’s population lives where these men and women will lead and minister. All will give their lives to reaching people with the Gospel of Christ. In October I traveled back to Asia, this time stopping in Southern China. It was a privilege to take a team of 9 U.S. business and church leaders to share the Good News of Christ in five separate venues, and it was an incredible sight. Members of the team used their individual, personal strengths and stories to move Chinese men and women toward Christ, many of whom were hearing the Gospel for the first time. We flew from China to Manila for a business leaders’ outreach. This outreach was the dream of the General Superintendant of the Assemblies of God, Reynaldo A. Calusay. The response was overwhelming as professionals from North America shared with leaders from Manila. The Kingdom of God was advanced in a new and powerful way.
Canada has been wide open to the Gospel this year. I have been privileged to share the Gospel in large venues all over Canada. It may surprise you to know the nation to our north has a lower percentage of evangelical believers than many nations in Africa! The Holy week outreach in Pickering, Ontario was a highlight. From Palm Sunday through Easter people filled the auditorium bringing friends and neighbors to Christ. Whitby, Ontario was the location of special weekends of outreach to men. When men come to Christ, there is a great impact—whole families are changed. Another weekend titled, “Breaking the Generational Code” focused on parent-teen relationships. The response was great; they packed the auditorium with 4 generations of people. Again the Gospel went out with power. Edmonton, Alberta and Winnipeg, Manitoba were cities of wide open response to Christ. Add to that the many cities we visited in the United States and truly 2008 was one of the most gratifying years for Vicki and me. We thank God for allowing us to work for Him in these Last Days.
On a personal note, this year has been filled with the joy of watching our granddaughter, Olivia, grow. She is now over a year old. She loves blueberries for breakfast and has learned they live in the refrigerator. This revelation has motivated her to now stand at the refrigerator and try to open the door. This is truly a sign of brilliance. I have contacted Harvard about pre-admission in 2017. Tory and Elizabeth continue to make us proud as the church they pastor grows and they continue to carry the Gospel to the southeast corner of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. Vicki and I are praying for all of you. We love to hear from you and learn of the joys and the obstacles that fill your walk. We can only pray specifically if we hear from you. Contact us by mail, the internet, phone, or text. We’d love to hear from you!
We pray that you and your family have a wonderful, very blessed Christmas!