Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What a trip and event we had in Malawi. Mike Love and Dean did a fabulous job of setup for the first YC Malawi. The teams of youth from Canada were incredible. I love Canadians! Shane, Darcy, Kelly, David, Percy and the list goes thank you for being the only Jesus some in that country may see until heaven.
We had over 5000 decision cards to follow Christ turned in over two weeks of outreach by the teams and the 3 days of outreach.
Jesse Young from Sarasota FL accompanied me and it was ajoy to have him with. His assistance was needed.
The last day was impacting when we visited a village where a baby had been born and the mother died in child birth. We brougfht the first cereal to the child who now was 6 months old being raised by Grand mother. The dirt floor huts and many needy children were deeply moving.
Thank You for praying for me as I traveled. Thank you also for praying for my health before leaving on this important trip. Many of you heard I had surgery after speaking the Lake Geneva family camp in Alexandria Minnesota. The surgery to remove an abscess in my belly was a concern since it left me with an open wound that finally closed completely the day I left for Africa. I am still paying the bills it cost $20,000 to get a second belly button. The insurance paid a lot but as you know the system demands a chunk from us. Pray with me as figure out who owes what. It looks like the last bills are coming in.
What is interesting about this whole medical situation is we were having many healing occur at the camp meeting. I was trusting God even as I watched the lump within me grow to the size of a baseball. It was in the hospital a word came through Vicki that I would come out of this with a new empathy for the hurting. Wow is she right.
This was my first experience in the hospital and I would not trade it. I understand like never before. I am not interested in another trip through this but I guarantee I will be different as I visit, talk and pray for the physically wounded.

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