Monday, January 7, 2008

Wow! What a Christmas season I had. The joy of a grand baby was huge. I was so captivated by the family being together and having time to unwind that I neglected this blog. Bad on me.
Today I am in Bismarck ND, Yesterday was an incredible day. I have added a new wrinkle to the meeting this week. I will meet for 30 minutes prior to each rally for life coaching. Yesterday we had 60 show up for this 30 minute window. I was energized by the session. We talked about the future story that each of us needs to see and write out.
Tonight I will share on values and the creation of a personal mission statement. I will keep you posted.
Do you have a mission statement?
Do you know your core values?
Would you like help discovering either?


Jason Curlee said...

Hey Sam...thought I would jump in with a little conversation here.

I sat down a couple of years ago and wrote down my life purpose statement, 5 year vision, and values and goals for 7 areas of my life.

I can attest to what your are teaching of how important and vital it is.

Sam Farina said...

Jason we need to get others to do the same exercise, God is for it